Hi all
Wow what a fantastic response we have had for the tour.
Based on this the tour will definitely go ahead. We have space for 30 player 2 squads of 15 at under 13 (school years 6,7,8) and under 16 ( school years 9,10,11). At this moment we have 18 players who have expressed serious interest.
The planned dates will be to leave London Heathrow on Tuesday 21 October 2014 returning on Sunday 2nd November 2014.
I would like to invite anyone who is interested in coming on tour or even just to find out more about the tour to a Tour presentation evening at Stanmore on Friday 25th January 7.30pm
At this time we will ask you to bring along a cheque for £250 as deposit to secure your sons place on the tour. Cheques made payable to Stanmore CC
Fazly Wahab our club's treasurer will act as the tour accountant and will be in charge of the money. We will go through this all on the 25th but the general plan will be for payments of £100 a month to be made by direct debit or £200 by cheque every 2 months. We will confirm any information that you need to bring along on the 25th
Mark Stear will do a presentation on behalf of sportasia who will be taking the tour and we can have a question and answer session with him We will discuss fundraising and some light refreshments will be provided.
I will keep the information coming but please do come along for this evening even if you aren't sure as it will be a great opportunity to hear all about it
Any queries let me know.