history 150 not out


We tell here the story of Stanmore Cricket Club. We do so because we think that, on the occasion of our 150th year in existence, our friends and supporters, our members old and new, may like to know some- thing about the Club s beginnings, its fortunes and its players through the years.

There are, of course, clubs older than Stanmore: Hambledon, for instance, and Sevenoaks Vine and Roehampton – clubs which cradled cricket at the dawn of the game. There are others, even in Middlesex, as old as we are: Finchley and Turnham Green also celebrate their 150 years this Summer. We salute them.

But to be 150, places us among the elect, gives us a small niche in the shining annals of the game, links us with the lusty middle ages of cricket. It justifies we think, the pretension of a book about ourselves.

As with any other club of its age, Stanmore’s career has been a chequered one. It has seen great days when it ranked among the best in the South of England; it has seen periods of slump when it was just another village team. Always, though, it has maintained its identity with Stanmore itself, truly a local team, playing in, and drawing its members mainly from, the village. We intend that this identity shall continue.

We desire to acknowledge the help given by many members and friends of the Club in the compilation of this History; and our grateful thanks go to Sir Pelham Warner for his delightful recollections of earlier-day Stanmore cricketers; and to Mr. W. J. Edrich for his article recalling the famous Compton century match Of I934. We are indebted to advertisers for their support.

It is our hope that, in this Centenary year, our games on the Hill (and particularly the County and M.C.C. fixtures) will give our friends and supporters much interest and enjoyment.

To the Clerk of the Weather: our humble petition for plenty of sunshine. To our players: much success. To our umpires: justice with mercy, please!

AND NOW TO OUR Fourth Fifty!